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Information for Authors

Presentation guidelines

Each presentation is allocated 20 minutes. To keep the sessions running smoothly, we would very much appreciate it if the following rules are followed:

  • The presenters should arrive in the room of the session at least 10 minutes prior to the session start and identify themselves to the session chair.
  • The presenters should bring their presentations in PDF format on a USB drive for loading onto the conference laptop located in the session room. Conference volunteers and the session chair will be in the room to assist with this.
  • We also provide the option to submit the pdf file of your presentation to the speakers’ assistance desk or directly or via email to before the end of the previous day.
  • The file name of each presentation should start with the session and speech code according to the technical program, followed by the presenter's surname (e.g. MO1.R9.3 - Surname).
  • Presenters can also use their own laptop, but we ask that they join at least 15 minutes in advance in the presentation room to make sure that the projection works.  The laptop needs to have an HDMI connector (or your own adapter).
  • Presentations are 20 minutes per paper, including time for a short question-and-answer part at the end of the presentation. Presenters will be cut if they exceed the allowed time. The session chair will give warnings on the remaining time, and the presenters are asked to look for these warnings.
  • Each presentation has its own time slot and cannot be changed or shifted. 

All presentation rooms are equipped with a laptop, a microphone and a wireless slide changer with a laser point.


Information for authors

The deadline for the submission of the final camera-ready paper is May 13, 2024 (23:59 AoE). Accepted papers not submitted by that date will not appear in the ISIT proceedings and will not be included in the technical program of the ISIT.

At least one author per accepted paper must register and pay a Full Rate registration fee by May 20, 2024.


Instructions for paper formatting

Authors are encouraged to use LaTeX to format manuscripts. You can use the ISIT 2024 paper template.

The maximum paper length is 5 pages, plus an optional 6th page containing references only. Additional pages of supplementary material are not allowed. Papers should use fonts no smaller than 10 points and have no page numbers and no headers or footers. The top and bottom margins should be at least 0.5 inches. The affiliation shown for authors should constitute a sufficient mailing address for persons who wish to write for more details about the paper. All fonts should be embedded in the pdf file.

Please do not forget to remove the sentence “THIS PAPER IS ELIGIBLE FOR THE STUDENT PAPER AWARD.” in the abstract if present.

For more details, please check the ISIT 2024 paper example.

Paper registration policy

  1. For each paper, at least one author must register as an attendee and presenter.
  2. Papers that are not presented at ISIT 2024 by an author will not be published either in the proceedings or in IEEE Xplore, unless the TPC chairs grant explicit permission for a substitute presenter in advance of the event who is qualified to present the paper and to answer questions.
  3. The materials in the paper must not have been published or submitted for possible publication in conference proceedings elsewhere, or have been published or accepted for publication as part of a journal paper, at the time of submission.

Jack Keil Wolf ISIT Student Paper Award

The IEEE Jack Keil Wolf ISIT Student Paper Award is given to up to 3 outstanding papers for which a student is the principal author and presenter. This author must be a registered student of an educational institution at the time of paper submission to be eligible.